The 5th AML European Directive in a nutshell

On the 20th of May 2015, the European Commission adopted the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive, known as 4AMLD, with the express goal of preventing money laundering, tax avoidance and the funding of criminal and terrorist activities. The directive came into effect on the 26th of June 2017, significantly increasing the compliance requirements facing financial institutions and other businesses — specifically in terms of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Client Lifecycle Management.

Since then, 4AMLD has defined the KYC and AML compliance landscape across Europe, mandating a risk-based approach to existing and prospective client relationships, including the identification of key beneficiaries. The directive also includes requirements for internal company policies, encouraging an organisational culture of responsibility and vigilance.

The international business climate, however, is always evolving, and it soon became clear that the existing 4th directive was insufficient to fully address the challenges of financial crime in the digital age. This led to a collection of amendments and additions known as the 5th directive, or 5AMLD. The 5AMLD was adopted by the European Commission on the 19th of April 2018, giving member states 18 months from that date to bring it into effect in their jurisdictions.

While the new directive is fairly extensive, here are three of its most impactful amendments:

Increased regulation of virtual currencies

Over the past few years, decentralised virtual currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have skyrocketed into the public eye. And while it may have taken some time for regulatory agencies to catch on, the potential of virtual currencies — cryptocurrencies in particular — for money laundering and other illegal purposes is widely recognised by criminals and terrorists.

To crack down on this potential, the 5AMLD requires all member states to implement its official legal definition of a virtual currency. The directive has also been expanded to include all virtual currency platforms and custody wallet providers as “obliged entities” who need to verify customer identities and monitor transactions.

Stricter limitations on prepaid cards

The 5AMLD also shines a light on the use of prepaid cards to send money overseas, requiring the customer to be identified for all remote payment transactions of 50 euros and up. All anonymous prepaid cards issued in countries without regulatory requirements similar to that of the EU have also been prohibited.

Transparency into beneficial ownership

Another key change in the 5th directive relates to the records of beneficial ownership that businesses are required to keep (as per the 4th directive). Not only will access to these records be extended to any EU citizen — significantly increasing the transparency of that organisation — but the threshold of ownership will also be lowered from 25% to 10%. Additionally, all transparency obligations will extend to trusts operating in the EU.

As the 5AMLD is rolled out across member states, it’s important for companies like yours to take initiative and ensure compliance before it’s too late.

For more information on how to do just that, read our quick guide to KYC and AML compliance. Or if you would like to learn how KYC3 can help your company use KYC intelligence for a competitive edge, get in touch with a member of our team or start your free trial now.

How Unregulated Funds Are Becoming Regulated?

Recent trends indicate a significant shift towards the regulation of unregulated funds, particularly regarding their anti-money laundering (AML) programs. 

With over $3 billion in fines levied globally in the last two months alone, the pressure on these funds to comply is immense. Effective compliance programs must include proper customer identification, due diligence, monitoring, and auditing. 

Unregulated funds in Luxembourg have been  governed by the RAIF Law of 23 July 2016, and  if they are qualified as alternative investment funds (AIFs) under the AIFM Law of 12 July 2013. 

Luxembourg funds may also opt for European labels that offer a marketing passport to the fund’s manager, provided they comply with regulatory requirements. 

These labels include the European long-term investment fund (ELTIF) under Regulation (EU) No. 2015/760, the European Venture Capital Fund (EuVECA) under Regulation (EU) No. 345/2013, and the European Social Entrepreneurship Fund (EuSEF) under Regulation (EU) No. 346/2013. 

Both regulated and unregulated funds are additionally governed by the Companies Law of 10 August 1915, unless superseded by the product laws such as the RAIF Law.

In Luxembourg, unregulated funds report to the Administration des Domaines instead of the CSSF. 

The CSSF’s 2020 review revealed gaps in risk analysis and oversight, emphasising that fund managers must better assess money laundering and terrorist financing risks.

Key Compliance Measures

  1. Fundamentals

Implementing comprehensive customer identification, due diligence, monitoring, and auditing processes is crucial for ensuring compliance. KYC3 provides a fully digitised onboarding portal that simplifies these processes by automating document collection, identity verification, and risk screening. This not only reduces errors but also enhances security and efficiency, ensuring that all compliance requirements are met effectively.

  1. Outsourcing Oversight

Even when outsourcing AML compliance tasks, it’s essential to retain full responsibility. KYC3 offers solutions that allow companies to manage compliance in-house or via third-party services while maintaining control over the process. This includes detailed audit trails and secure data management to ensure that compliance standards are upheld regardless of how tasks are outsourced

  1. Risk-Based Approach

Continuously managing and monitoring investment risks requires a dynamic and proactive approach. KYC3’s AI-powered tools enable continuous risk assessment and monitoring by analysing vast amounts of data to detect potential risks. This approach allows for timely interventions and adjustments to manage emerging risks effectively, providing a robust risk management framework

  1. Sanctions Screening

Daily screening against international sanctions lists is mandatory to avoid regulatory breaches. KYC3 automates this process by integrating data from various official sources such as OFAC, Interpol, UN, and EU. This automation ensures that all counterparties are regularly screened, and any matches are promptly investigated, reducing the risk of dealing with sanctioned entities

Luxembourg-Specific Requirements

Unregulated funds in Luxembourg must annually complete a questionnaire for the Administration des Domaines, outlining their AML strategies. They must also appoint two roles: 

**RR (Responsable du Respect des Obligations)**: Ensures compliance with AML obligations.

**RC (Responsable du Contrôle du Respect des Obligations)**: Controls compliance activities.

Both positions must be reported, and any changes updated promptly.

Effective Compliance Tools

To manage these requirements efficiently, adopting advanced software tools can automate sanction screenings, manage documentation, and ensure all necessary investor information is accessible for audits and regulatory reviews. This approach can enhance compliance without significantly increasing staff.

For more details on compliance solutions, contact us

Streamlining the Onboarding Process with KYC3

Streamlining the Onboarding Process with KYC3: Efficiency and Accuracy

Onboarding counterparties can be one of the most time-consuming activities for companies. From gathering documents via email to dealing with incomplete dossiers and performing manual checks, the entire process demands significant time and attention. KYC3 has revolutionised this process by fully digitising it, providing companies with a portal where counterparties can upload documents and undergo all necessary checks, thereby reducing the risk of errors or missing information.

Benefits of Using an Automated Onboarding Portal

  1. Clear Communication of Document Requirements

– The portal ensures that document requirements are clearly communicated to counterparties, eliminating confusion and reducing delays.

  1. Automated “To-Do” List

   – The digital counterparty identity portal includes an automated “To-Do” list, making it easier for counterparties to upload all necessary documents. This feature speeds up the process and ensures that all required information is provided, reducing the risk of errors.

  1. Enhanced Efficiency and Security

   – With the streamlined process, counterparties experience improved efficiency and security, leading to greater satisfaction and increased business opportunities.

  1. Simplified Compliance Management

   – The compliance manager receives updates about the onboarding status and findings, without needing to manage the entire process manually.

Key Features of the KYC3 Onboarding Portal

Digital Dossier Management

– Centralised and organised document management for easy access and review.

Real-Time Video Onboarding

  – Allows for immediate and interactive onboarding sessions.

AI-Powered ID Analysis

  – Advanced technology for accurate identity verification.

Automated Risk Screening Engine

  – Efficiently identifies and mitigates potential risks.

Secure and Customizable

  – Options for on-premise or hosted solutions to meet specific security and customization needs.

Compliance with Regulations

  – Fully compliant with AMLD5, GDPR, BSA, and PSD2, ensuring adherence to international standards.

No more back-and-forth emails, calls, or unreliable tools for risk management. The KYC3 onboarding portal offers a streamlined, efficient, and secure solution that benefits both companies and their counterparties. By automating the onboarding process, companies can focus on growing their business and building stronger relationships with their partners.